If you clicked on the link to read this article than you are more than likely a person that has had their fair share of dealing with the depression demon. Statistics show that 350,000,000 people globally will deal with depression, and most of those are women (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/20/depression-statistics_n_6480412.html). I have been around the proverbial mountain a time or two with this adversary and it is not a foe to be taken lightly. I opted to never take medication for depression, I decided instead to deal with it on my own using some techniques I want to share with you in this post. I realize that not all cases were like mine and some require medical attention. Please use wisdom in that area.
Let’s get right to it! But before I dive into the specific ways I have learned to deal with and overcome depression, I want to first lay a little groundwork. Fundamentally speaking, our entire life is built upon our thoughts and what we believe to be true about life. These thoughts form a framework, a lens that we use to view everything in our life through. If our framework is bad, our lens is flawed and our view of life is dark and skewed. It will be of no benefit to treat depression without first dealing with the root of it. Depression is only a manifestation of something deeper. We must get to the root to change the fruit. The root of depression is a lie that we have believed somewhere along the way. The lie produces death in our mind, which leads to depression. With that being said, here are some specific action steps that can help you deal with the depression you are facing. Keep in mind, some of these are very spiritual and emotionally based, but some are physical changes that could have a huge impact on the way you feel.
This might take some practice on your end. The only way to identify a lie is to find the opposing truth. Truth has a way of exposing lies. You might need to get a trusted friend or counselor involved. The important thing is that the person that is helping you is objective. They need to be able to see from the outside in so that lies can be easily exposed. We can’t always detect the lies we believe by ourselves and it is always a good idea to allow someone else “into your head” to help uncover the unhealthy thoughts.
Once lies have been exposed the truth must be accepted. This is a difficult undertaking but when done correctly it will yield amazing results. We are creatures of habit so it takes intense focus to change the way we believe. For me, I had to focus on the scriptures that brought truth to my situation. I had to keep repeating them over and over until they became familiar to me. When temptation came, I had to choose to say the scripture and believe. Over time I actually did believe it and believing the truth became the norm for me. The payoff was joy and happiness, as opposed to negativity and depression.
The enemy does his best work on a lonely, weary saint. You must resist the urge to always be alone. Some solitude is healthy but extended, lengthy blocks of time could be a recipe for depression. Being around others will help create accountability in your life. When others notice that you might be reverting back to negative thinking patterns they can quickly help get you back on track.
One of the BEST cures for depression is consistent exercise. Exercising will help release the endorphins that you need to feel good. Instead of running to sugary, carb-laden foods which will only make you crash later, opt to go to the gym with a friend. You will not ever regret a good workout but chances are you will regret not working out. Many times our depression is caused by physical symptoms that we are unaware of and could be fixed by exercise and good nutrition.
I have a massage therapist friend that has a scanning app on her phone that she uses to screen me every time I go to her for a massage. Many times I have complained of being tired, frustrated and not thinking clearly. Almost every time the sensor picked it up in my readings and I made adjustments with my supplements. It proved to be a huge benefit to me. I was struggling with feeling overwhelmed and tired and this was triggering depression for me. I was able to implement the use of a particular essential oil and it drastically changed my energy level which in turn diminished the depression I was feeling. So many times we can just make a few simple changes in our diets and it affects our moods.
Depression does not have to be a way of life for you. As a matter of fact, you can make a few changes and over time you will notice your mood is lighter and you have a spring in your step again. Not every case is a quick fix but most cases can be cured by using the steps I listed above. The hardest part is getting started and teaching yourself to think differently. But remember, you can do it! Take a few steps in the right direction and before long you will be running!