The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation.

Psalm 118:14 NASB

Embrace Your Beautiful Destiny Radio Show & Podcast

embrace-your-beautiful-destiny-podcast-radioI started on a journey over three years ago to write a story of God’s faithfulness and providence over our dreams and destinies. During the past couple of years, I chronicled the journey that was sometimes agonizing and painful. I also wrote about the beauty that was tucked away inside some of those inescapable times that felt like prison sentences to my soul. What I discovered is God reveals Himself most profoundly in those hard times and it’s way more powerful than the dream. Selfish ambition eventually gives way to the humble yet beautiful workings of the Savior in our lives.

I realized that many people needed encouragement to keep going and a perspective shift if they were going to fulfill the destiny God has for them. This radio show was born out of that realization.

If you struggle because of disappointment, you are in the right place! You will hear inspirational true stories, Biblical teaching and insight, as well as honest interviews with people just like you that trusted God and embraced their beautiful destinies.

Ways to Listen:

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