There is an epidemic sweeping our nation, everybody wants something for nothing. The land of the free and the home of the brave has now become the land of the entitled and the home of the lazy. Harsh words right? Take weight loss for example, which is a multi-billion...
How to Have Hope in a Hopeless Situation

How to Have Hope in a Hopeless Situation

Isn’t this time of year beautiful? Particularly in east Texas, where we are famous for our beautiful Azaleas, this time of year is breathtaking. The sunsets are magnificent and the air is just a little crisp. All of the flowers are starting to bloom and you can feel...
Testing 1, 2, 1, 2………………

Testing 1, 2, 1, 2………………

Well that title just about sums up my life over the past 6 years….it’s been one test after another followed by a weird season of confusion, disappointment, followed by another round of tests, etc. And yes that was a run on sentence but it was only symbolic of my life...
Wonderland Encounters!!

Wonderland Encounters!!

It won’t always be this way. I had to keep telling myself that or I would go crazy. Some people are afraid of change but I live for it. My personality is wired for progression and constant metamorphosis. I get complacent really quickly if I’m left too long to my own...
Catch the Foxes

Catch the Foxes

Being part of a worship team is not always easy.  I find I am constantly being challenged in various areas of my walk with God.  Things that I thought I had dealt with years ago and I thought I had overcome seem to creep back up at the most unexpected times. It’s kind...


I was annoyed with life. Annoyed with the lack of change and the stagnant place that I couldn’t seem to climb out of no matter how hard I tried. I was out of resources, out of options and I felt overwhelmingly trapped. Years of begging God to change my circumstances...