30 Seconds to Greatness

30 Seconds to Greatness

I’m sure most mornings at the gym I look like a crazy person. I tune the rest of the world out and turn up my eclectic mix of weird artist and proceed to sweat to death. I get a lot of stares and occasional high fives while busting out 30 second intervals of awful...
Cookies and Other Such Distractions

Cookies and Other Such Distractions

Temptations rarely ever knock on my door when I’m feeling my best. They usually show up at my door knocking like an 8 year old selling girl scout cookies, loudly, unannounced, full of giggles and sparkles and I’m usually drained from my chaotic life so I shout an...
8,064 Ways

8,064 Ways

Most of my life complaining came very easy to me. I could always pick out the flaw in ANY given situation. Yeah so what if I made straight A’s in school, someone else made 100’s on everything. As I got older the scenarios changed but the propensity was still there-...
When the Devil Tries to Take You Out

When the Devil Tries to Take You Out

​​ Sometimes it ain’t easy to follow Jesus. I grew up in a family that followed Jesus as a lifestyle. I remember being dragged to church 4-5 days a week. We had Sunday morning & Sunday night services (unimaginable,yes I know), Tuesday night prayer meetings and the...
Satan Desires to Sift You Like Wheat

Satan Desires to Sift You Like Wheat

Like any normal person, I thought I would use the handrail while galloping down the stairs at my friend’s apartment. I had just enjoyed a small group meeting with some of my most favorites girlfriends and I wanted to get down the stairs quick and jump in my car. It...
I Hate Lukewarm Coffee

I Hate Lukewarm Coffee

I hate lukewarm coffee. As a matter of fact, if my coffee starts to get close to room temperature while I’m reading my Bible or whatever, I’ll go and pour it out. I only like my coffee hot or cold because it tastes awful at room temperature. Actually, I have to hold...
The Truth About Rejection

The Truth About Rejection

Excerpt from my upcoming book Providence:   It all started in elementary school when some of the other kids teased me about my crooked nose and slightly crossed eyes. I had to wear big glasses to try and strengthen my lazy eye. And then there was the awesome...
If You’re Happy and You Know It

If You’re Happy and You Know It

​​ Oh yes….just the title brings back cheesy moments of myself in a group of children making silly hand gestures and singing loudly and terribly off key. Well they were singing off key but I wasn’t. Right, so now that I have established that I didn’t sing off key we...
Advice on Getting Through a Bad Day

Advice on Getting Through a Bad Day

I felt sorry for the guy. It became pretty apparent to me that this was not a good day for him. First he tried to change the light ballast in my office and dropped it on my desk. Pieces of glass scattered all across my desk and wedged their way into the files and...