I’m a junk food addict; there’s no sense in denying it. I remember hiding and eating bags of potato chips and bean dip as a child. Something about it seemed comforting at the time, but it always left me feeling empty and needing more to get the same rush again. If I’m being completely honest, this addiction has followed me my entire life and showed up at the absolute WORST times, like a big huge zit right before prom. You know, the kind you can’t hide with any amount of foundation or concealer.

Yes, my on again-off again relationship with junk food has been the most exhausting relationship of my life. A love-hate relationship that caused a very unhealthy view of dieting, body image and a whole host of other emotional and psychological issues that are too numerous to go into detail about. I regret the day that I opened that first bag of chips because I felt so alone. I regret turning to a potato chip thinking it would magically make me feel loved, accepted, and comforted. This steady diet of junk food is what caused weight gain, body aches and the worst case of low self-esteem known to man.

Oddly enough, this is not a blog about healthy eating or overcoming addictions. Nope, not about food at all.

I want to chat with you about the spiritual and emotional content you are consuming.  Are you living on a steady diet of junk every day? Have you cultivated an appetite that only craves the junk of the world? The spiritual potato chips and donuts of the world that promise to fill your empty soul but leave you feeling even more alone than before?  I’m definitely not hurling accusations because I was first convicted by the Lord on this matter. I noticed my perspective shifting to a much more negative and hopeless outlook over the past few months. I started to feel overwhelmed by the darkness everywhere. I had become a spiritual junk food addict as well.  And I know this isn’t rocket science, but oh how easily we forget this simple truth:

Whatever we dwell on will eventually begin to consume us. The consumer becomes consumed. 

I really needed to take a look at what I was watching, reading and listening to. So much of the junk in my life did not glorify God OR help me one bit. If anything, it was slowly destroying me.

I think that’s why Paul said in Philippians:

Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beatutiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always. Phil 4:8

That’s actually a long list of things we can think about. I hear so many people complaining about how boring it is to be a Christian and how living inside these strict rules is stifling. I think we are looking at this completely wrong. When I read through the list above, I can see all of the amazing things God has given me permission to think about, not the things I can’t think about. I don’t believe Paul is saying “hey guys, you only need to sit around all day reading scriptures, meditating and spending 5 hours in prayer in order to achieve this most holy state.’ No, he’s actually saying – if it falls within these parameters I’m listing, go for it!  Do you love reading inspirational books with stories of heroic and admirable people? Do you enjoy a good, clean love song that you and your spouse can dance to? Do you enjoy going to a beautiful concert or ballet or going for hikes outside? The point is, the things we inundate ourselves with need to be full of truth, beauty, pure, respectful etc. That’s it. You and the Holy Spirit get to work out with that looks like for you.

I hope this little blog is like a B12 shot for your spirit today, instead of a bag of potato chips.

I speak blessings over you today and that your thoughts would be full of the love and light of Jesus. And because of that you can have something beautiful to share with those around you!