There are a few perks to being in your forties. If you can forgive yourself for all of the mistakes you thought you made, you realize there are beautiful revelations that you have stumbled upon. One of those is hindsight, and the other is realizing how little control you really have over how things turn out.

I got married really young, 18 to be exact. I was still a senior in high school when we decided to say our vows. Most of my friends were filling out college applications while I was filling out a marriage license application.

We were excited for all of the possibilities that life held for us. We knew it wouldn’t be easy, but we loved each other and God so we felt up for the challenge. The challenges of our life didn’t disappoint us to be sure. We have faced numerous obstacles that should have destroyed us, financial pressures that most marriages don’t survive, ministries and churches that ended up hurting us, and all of the other hurdles that life can throw your way. Yet, by the grace of God, here we are. Life isn’t what we thought it would be right now, but it is still beautiful.

I used to think that if I would have finished college, moved away, pursued my dreams, etc. that my life would be perfect right now and exactly what I dreamed it would be. As a matter of fact, I held bitterness in my heart because I felt that deciding to marry so young might have cost me some things. I’m sure my hubby felt the same way because he was robbed of his dream to be an Air Force pilot because he broke his leg at my house on our 2nd date. If we never would have met, he would be living his pilot dream right now. Or would he?

The truth is that because we met my husband got radically saved. He became a preacher shortly after. He has been in multiple pastoral positions over the years and impacted countless lives. Because we married so young, I had to quit college and join the workforce, giving up on my dream of higher education. But, after that painful time, God opened my eyes to His plan for my life and my husband and I began to do ministry together.

So, what would I have done differently if I could go back? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Yes, I wouldn’t change a thing because I know that the Lord has been in control of our lives since the very beginning.

I love this scripture:

The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16:9‬ ‭NASB‬‬

Just remember this when you start to feel like your life is one huge mistake: Disappointment looks back, but faith looks forward. If you are a child of God, things have worked out the way He wanted them to. If your plans have fallen apart, it’s because He has something better in mind.

Maybe you can’t see that “something better” thing yet. Ask Him to help you see it because it’s there. Don’t let disappointment rob you of the destiny God has for you. As you begin to walk in step with Him, He will start to show you the beauty of the plans He created for you.

Blessings friends! I pray that the Lord make His face to shine on you and keep you!

If you need more encouragement, check out my podcast: