3 Truths to Help You Be Kind to Yourself

3 Truths to Help You Be Kind to Yourself

As we enter the holidays fraught with coming and goings, hither and yonders and all sorts of busy-ness, please remember to be kind to yourself. I realize that is easier said than done, and to be honest I absolutely am terrible at being kind to myself. I didn’t...
Think on These Things

Think on These Things

I’m a junk food addict; there’s no sense in denying it. I remember hiding and eating bags of potato chips and bean dip as a child. Something about it seemed comforting at the time, but it always left me feeling empty and needing more to get the same rush...
Shana = 0 // Plastic Mat =1

Shana = 0 // Plastic Mat =1

  Let me tell you something: those sharp pointy things on the back of plastic mats that are used to roll office chairs on hurt like the dickens when one accidentally stabs oneself with it. Yes, I’m sure you CAN’T relate, and you should be glad that is the case. I...
Watch Out For Vine Snakes!!

Watch Out For Vine Snakes!!

You haven’t heard of vine snakes?? I assure you, they are real and not some made up creature that grandmas use at story time to keep kids out of the woods. I myself have been viciously attacked by said vine snake on an otherwise seemingly fun day spent with my husband...